2020 Short Film Challenge - Italian Short Films

Well folks, it did happen.

My workplace shut down early Tuesday morning because of the Virus. Not that anyone contracted it, but we could be termed "non-essential", and, therefore, were asked to close down. As I only managed to watch three videos, this will be a shortened episode of the Challenge.

I was supposed to be celebrating Italian Unification (17 Mar 1861)

First, let's look at the films already viewed:

The Card Party (1897)
Troppo Bello! (1909)
Jenkins and the Donky (1911)
Palidor and the Lions (1913)
Palidor's First Duel (1913)
Anger of the Dead (2013)
Haselwurm (2011)

Films by Andrea Ricca

Alien Night (2014)
Alien Worms (2016)
The Amulet of Fear (2017)
Dinosaur Attack (2016)
The Furfangs (2010)
The Guardian (2008)
Space Monster (2015)
Spider Danger (2012.

Turned out to be a healthier sum than I first thought.  So here are the three films that were viewed on Monday.

The Prize (2009), two students win a prize for science innovation and try to get a government official to help finance its production. Directed by the highly regarded Ermanno Olmi.

Buongiorno - Good Morning (2006), who, exactly do we see in the mirror in the morning? Hilarious.

Dead Blood (2012), a family of vampires and a family of zombies vie for a husband and his pregnant wife. Not bad, but not great.

So, that's the week. I want to thank YouTube and Viddsee for access to these films. I am highlighting Buongiorno. Well worth a look.

Films viewed this week: 3
Total Films viewed: 157

Over the next week and a half, I will be using this blog to highlight some of my favorite short films. I will do my best to link them, so you can see them too.

I think I'll start with Shorts that became Features. Specifically Horror!!

Till then. Stay safe and healthy.

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